RGZ离心泵系列 耐高温泵
l RGZ离心泵系列耐高温泵 应用范围/Scope of Application
·高温循环系统 ·High temperature circulatory system
·工业循环增压 ·Industrial circulatory supercharger
·一般循环用水 ·General circulatory water
·一般不含颗粒或纤维之液体 ·General non-particles or fibrous liquid
l RGZ离心泵系列耐高温泵 使用条件/Conditions of Use
·一般液体:-5℃~+50℃ ·General liquid:-5℃~+50℃
·高温热水:+50℃~+180℃ ·Thermal conductivity water:+50℃~+180℃
·高温熟导油:+50℃~+200℃ ·Thermal conductivity oil:+50℃~+200℃
·zui大工作环境温度:+40℃ ·The maximum working temperature:+40℃
l 产品实图/Product Figure
l 安装尺寸图/Installation Sketch
型号注释/Model Explanation
l 特性曲线图/Characteristic Curve
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